From inception, our organization has invested in incubating young organizations. We did this out of a recognition that we too have received love and support from others and it’s our honor and duty to pay it forward.
We provided the young organizations (one at a time) with rent free office space within our premises. They accessed training opportunities along with my staff. They ate with us and my staff provided their expertise, such as in finance management and strategic planning, for free.
This support was provided for at least six months to enable the new entities find their feet and start to fund and friend raise.
One of the organizations we incubated is called Femme Forte. Femme Forte was with us for most of 2018 and left at the end of that year. Femme Forte has established its own office space and yesterday my whole team and I went to visit them at their new home. It literally felt like visitation day and I wrote this letter to them as a parent visiting a daughter who left home.
Dear Daughter,
It feels like only yesterday when I was holding your hand, holding you, as you learned first to crawl, then to walk. You stumbled a few times but you always got up again. I heard you say your first words, form your first unintelligible sentences, and now, you’re writing books! Oh my!
I stand here as a proud Mama! I can’t believe that today, I’m visiting you in your home! You’ve grown into your own!
It feels like yesterday, when I’d anticipate your coming home, when I’d come to your room to check on you, when I’d feel content listening to your laughter in the corridor. It feels like yesterday when I’d watch you eat at the table, watch you bring new friends and introduce them to me.
I felt a pang, the day I watched you pack your bags, the day I walked into your old room and it was empty. I felt a pang when I sat down at the the table and you were not at your usual place. I felt a pang when I received your farewell gift.
It’s hard for any mother to let her child go. But today as I stand in your space, I’m proud you left home to become your own. My child you have grown. And there is still so much more growing and blossoming ahead of you.
If you learned nothing else from me, I hope you learned:
1. Excellence - in a world full of mediocrity, this will always set you apart. And you were made not just to fit in, but to stand out.
2. Generosity - you know my mantra - to whom much is given, much will be required. I gave you much. I know you know what’s required of you. Give like the king you are. Give like royalty!
3. Love - it must be the basis and foundation of the work you do. Let love motivate you. Let it be your raison d’etre.
4. Fun - don’t be afraid to let your hair down, run in the rain sometimes, do the things that keep you young and agile. Don’t forget to play! Be wild. Be you.
5. Gratitude - for every big and small thing in our lives. Gratitude keeps us humble, helps us notice and reminds us that there is so much good in our lives. Give thanks every day for everything. Don’t take anything for granted.
As I stand here today, I wish you every blessing. May you grow into the oak tree you are meant to be. You are a healing balm to the nations. You are a safe space and a safe place for every kind of young woman. Your ideas are fresh. You walk the road less traveled. You travail through hardships and you come out as gold. You are a teacher, you set the pace, you show the way. You will become a model for wellness of body, mind and soul. You are an organization with a soul.
You are your name. Femme Forte. Strong Woman.
I wish you well. Always.
Mama(Civsource Africa)
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