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Social Movement


Welcome to Femme Forte Uganda

We love women and believe in their advancement in the economic, social and political sphere.

We exist to strengthen the pathways between young and older women who aspire to meaningfully contribute to the greater women’s movement in Uganda.

We empower women in Uganda for inclusive growth through providing skills training, mentoring, sisterhood support, spiritual and financial support.

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Recent Blogs

By samantha 25 Jul, 2024
“Someone will ask, ‘Will it pay?’ If it will, one will steal. If it won’t pay, one won’t steal. It should be too expensive to steal. This is why corruption is happening on a grand scale. They must steal enough to stay out of jail.” - Auditor General John Muwanga, May 31, 2013 The catalyst for the current #March2Parliament protests is a series of high-profile corruption scandals that have exposed the misuse of public funds by top government officials; the most egregious allegations involving the Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among. The Speaker and a number of her staff are accused of breaching parliamentary rules by using private bank accounts to withdraw enormous amounts of money between April 2023 and January 2024, supposedly for Among’s official work including outreach, community projects, and expenses. Journalists also allege that Among oversaw the distribution of more than Shs1.7 billion in 2022 as “service awards” for parliamentary commissioners, who oversee spending and salaries in Parliament. (Wepukhulu, 2024) The #March2Parliament protests have articulated seven demands: the resignation of Anita Among as Speaker of Parliament, reduction in the number of MPs, immediate resignation of implicated MPs pending investigations into corruption allegations, comprehensive lifestyle audits of MPs with public disclosure, reduction of MPs' salaries and allowances to 3 million, and unrestricted exercise of Ugandans' democratic right to peaceful assembly without obstruction. 
By samantha 21 Jun, 2024
In the pursuit of sustainable development and gender equality, the role of intellectual property (IP) rights cannot be understated. Intellectual property encompasses a wide range of creations, from inventions and innovations to artistic expressions and cultural heritage. Yet, despite their significant contributions to the intellectual landscape, women continue to face barriers such as underrepresentation and bias, limited access to resources such as funding, mentorship, and networks that are crucial for navigating and succeeding in IP systems, and societal expectations and cultural norms that discourage women from pursuing careers in STEM or asserting their rights in IP systems, among other things. Closing the gender gap in intellectual property is not only a matter of equity and justice but also a crucial component of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
By samantha 11 Jun, 2024
The menstrual cycle is an important part of many people’s lives. Despite this, misinformation, silence and shame abound around the topic. For menstrual hygiene day, I set out to write an article strictly about how you can use food to optimize your wellbeing during your period but I ended getting a lot more than that from my interview with Gilbert Nsanzimfura, a nutritionist with TMR International Hospital. He shared in detail about the 4 stages of the menstrual cycle, how you may feel, what you can eat and what you should avoid to get through each like a champ. Enjoy! Nutrition takes place for the entirety of mankind’s life, but for this article we are going to focus on nutrition for women of reproductive age. The menstrual cycle has 4 phases: Menstruation phase , Follicular phase , Luteal phase and Ovulation . Follicular phase: This is the phase between the first day after blood flow has stopped up to about the 13 th -14 th day when ovulation normally occurs. This stage involves a follicle stimulating hormone which facilitates the growth of follicles. These follicles will harbor a mature egg during the ovulation phase. Ovulation phase: This is where a mature egg (ovum) is released from the fallopian tubes. This is the shortest phase of the cycle, it can last up to 24 hours. This is called the excitement phase of the entire menstruation cycle. Luteal phase: It normally collides with menstruation and sometimes they are even confused to be the same phase. In the Luteal phase, the body is getting ready to start mothering an embryo; the egg is already released into the uterus for fertilization. This stage involves multiple hormones at the same time, including progesterone and oestrogen. These two hormones are very stubborn in that their reactions are very rapid. They both, each at a time, support the thickening of the uterine walls. This stage lasts about 10 to 15 days, from your ovulation day to the day you experience your first drop of blood flowing through the vagina if fertilization does not take place. Menstruation: This is normally the most distressing phase of the entire cycle. It lasts about 3-7 days although some might experience it for up to 10 days. Some women have them heavy, others light, others painful and others very painful. NUTRITION AND THE MENSTRUATION CYCLE First there are foods that need to be taken throughout each of these phases. These are foods you cannot do without, the first being Vitamins and minerals. The body cannot manufacture them on its own. The good news is that the body does not need a lot, this is why they are called micronutrients. Others are proteins, carbohydrates for energy and lipids. NUTRITION DURING THE FOLLICULAR PHASE At this point, your body has gone through changes. −You have lost blood, iron and minerals −Dizziness may be felt −You may feel weak Here it’s like building a house from ruins. You need to take all the food stuffs but mainly you need to replace the lost iron, the lost calcium and the lost magnesium. Foods to eat
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What we do 

Mobilizing and equipping young women to become better leaders who change the story.

We empower women in Uganda for inclusive growth through providing skills training, mentoring, sisterhood support, spiritual and financial support.

Target Audience

Our primary audience is young women between 15-35 years of age. This notwithstanding, we will carry out specialized activities for those over 35 to grow mentors in them.

We run tailor made programs in the form of equip circles (learning circles) for three audiences;

15- 19 years

20- 25 years

26-35 years

Our young woman is one that aspires to lead, one with potential to lead with inadequate support to her aspirations.

How we established our Priorities

As sisters, we have been part of the women and feminist movements. We have grown here and have experienced firsthand the joys and short comings therein. Our Priorities are therefore established by;

•   Our experiences. The celebrations we wish to scale up as well as the challenges unattended to that we wish Femme Forte can fill        the gap on.

•  The needs of women from various walks of life. We reached out to women as young as 15 and as old as the heart can imagine and        asked what sort of female space they would be inspired to be part of. The responses we got together with our experiences formed        the foundations of what we will primarily work towards achieving.

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